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Transit Brochures by Mail

Order free schedules, maps and brochures from the category list below. Brochures will be delivered in approximately 8 business days. You will only be able to request one of each brochure, and you may request up to 10 different brochures. If you need multiple copies of a publication, visit the Commuter Store or call 703-228-RIDE (TDD: 711).

Transit schedules for routes in Northern Virginia are also available online.

Arlington, Virginia employers, residential property managers, and hotel managers can request brochures for use by their employees, tenants, and guests through Arlington Transportation Partners (ATP).

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  • What to do if your having trouble with your smarTrip card.
  • What to do on Metrorail if and when it's an Emergency.
  • Metro accessibility information from WMATA
  • Accepted in the Washington, D.C and Baltimore Metro Areas
  • This brochure lists all the available Metrorail and Metrobus fares and passes. It also lists locations where patrons can purchase passes and fare media. Latest publication: 11/10/2010

  • This is a great Metrorail guide for visitors. The brochure provides information on how to ride Metrorail and Metrobus, times of operation, and other frequently ask questions with major sites in the city and corresponding Metrorail stations, and a map of the Metro system.
