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Transit Brochures by Mail

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  • Includes bus and rail service provided by Metro and local transit systems.

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  • -Southern Ave Station (30S) -Naylor Road Station (30N) -Naylor and Good Hope Road SE (30S) -Hillcrest (30N) -L'Efant Square -Potomac Ave Station -Eastern Market Station -Capitol Hill -The National Mall -Federal Triangle -White House -Georgetown -Washington National Cathedral -Tenleytown-AU Station -Wisconsin Ave NW -Friendship Heights Station

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  • Friendship Heights station Wisconsin Ave. N.W. Tenleytown-AU station Washington National Cathedral Georgetown Foggy Bottom-GWU station (31) Potomac Park/State Department (31) Farragut West station (33) McPherson Square station (33) Federal Triangle (33),33_210905.pdf
  • Friendship Heights station Wisconsin Ave. N.W. Tenleytown-AU station Washington National Cathedral Georgetown Foggy Bottom-GWU station (31) Potomac Park/State Department (31) Farragut West station (33) McPherson Square station (33) Federal Triangle (33),33_210905.pdf
  • Southern Ave station (32) Naylor Road station (36) Naylor and Good Hope Roads, SE (32) Hillcrest (36) L’Enfant Square Potomac Ave station Eastern Market station Capitol Hill The National Mall Federal Triangle White House Foggy Bottom-GWU station Potomac Park/State Department,36_210905.pdf
  • l Southern Ave station (32) l Naylor Road station (36) l Naylor and Good Hope Roads, SE (32) l Hillcrest (36) l L’Enfant Square l Potomac Ave station l Eastern Market station l Capitol Hill l The National Mall l Federal Triangle l White House l Foggy Bottom-GWU station l Potomac Park/State Department,36_230625.pdf
  • Mount Pleasant Adams Morgan Dupont Circle station (42) Farragut North station Farragut West station Potomac Park Kennedy Center,43_210905.pdf
  • Takoma station Brightwood 14th St. and Colorado Ave. N.W. Columbia Heights station Reeves Center Logan Circle McPherson Sq station Metro Center station (54) Smithsonian station (52) The Wharf (52) L’Enfant Plaza station (52
  • Takoma station Brightwood 14th St. and Colorado Ave. N.W. Columbia Heights station Reeves Center Logan Circle McPherson Sq station Metro Center station (54) Smithsonian station (52) The Wharf (52) L’Enfant Plaza station (52
  • Service every 15 minutes Weekday rush hours. Limited stops. For more frequent stops, use Metrobus routes 52 or 54. Same fare as a regular Metrobus -Takoma Station -Georgia Avenue & Butternut Street -Aspen Street -Fort Stevens Drive -Missouri Avenue -Colorado Avenue/Jefferson Street -Buchanan Street -Upshur Street -Spring Road -Park Road/Monroe Street -Irving Street (Columbia Heights Station) -Chapin/Belmont Street -U Street -P Street/Rhode Island Avenue -K Street -I Street (McPherson Square Station) -F & 13th Streets (Metro Center Station) -Federal Triangle Station
  • Fort Totten station Armed Forces Retirement Home—Washington Upshur Street NW Georgia Ave-Petworth station
  • Takoma station Coolidge High School Manor Park Georgia Ave-Petworth station U Street station (63) Metro Center station (63) Federal Triangle (63)
  • Fort Totten station New Hampshire Ave Georgia Ave-Petworth station U Street Station 11th Street N.W Metro Center station Federal Triangle
  • Busses arrive every 12 MIN ***MONDAY- FRIDAY*** 6:00am - 11:00pm 15 MIN ***SATURDAY- SUNDAY*** 6:00am - 11:00pm Buses serve these locations -Silver Spring Metro -Brightwood -Georgia Ave-Petworth Metro -Park view -Shaw-Howard U Metro -Mt.Vernon sq Metro -Washington Convention Center -Gallery Place Metro -Capital One Arena -Archives Metro

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  • K & 6th Sts. NW 7th St. & Pa. Ave. NW (Archives) 7th & E Sts. SW (L’Enfant Plaza) M & 4th Sts. SW (Waterfront) Half & O Sts. SW 2nd & R Sts. SW (northbound) (BUZZARD POINT)
  • ***MONDAY-FRIDAY*** Buses arrive every 10 MIN 6:00am - 9:00am 12 MIN 9:00am - 3:00pm 10 MIN 3:00pm - 7:00pm ***SATURDAY-SUNDAY*** Buses arrive every 15 MIN 6:00am - 7:00pm Serves these locations -Silver Spring Metro -Brightwood -Georgia Ave-Petworth Metro -Park View -Shaw-Howard U Metro -Mt. Vernon Sq Metro -Washington Convention Center -Gallery Place Metro -Capital One Arena -Archives Metro
  • Fort Totten station Providence Hospital Brookland-CUA station Catholic University Government Publishing Office Union Station Gallery Place station Metro Center station McPherson Square station
  • Congress Heights station (92) Entertainment & Sports Arena (92) Anacostia station (90) Navy Yard Eastern Market station l Gallaudet University NoMa-Gallaudet U station 7th and Florida Ave. N.W. U Street station Reeves Center (14th and U Sts. N.W.) Adams Morgan (90) Duke Ellington Bridge (90),92_210905.pdf
  • Congress Heights station (92) Entertainment & Sports Arena (92) Anacostia station (90) Navy Yard Eastern Market station Gallaudet University NoMa-Gallaudet U station 7th and Florida Ave. N.W. U Street station Reeves Center (14th and U Sts. N.W.) Adams Morgan (90) Duke Ellington Bridge (90),92_210905.pdf
  • Capitol Heights station Benning Road station Stadium-Armory station Hill East/D.C. General Campus Capitol Hill Union Station New Jersey Ave. N.W. U Street station Reeves Center Adams Morgan Duke Ellington Bridge Woodley Park station Washington National Cathedral McLean Gardens Tenleytown-AU station
  • Southern Ave station United Medical Center Congress Heights Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. S.E. Dept. of Homeland Security Anacostia station
  • Academies at Anacostia (formerly Anacostia High School) Minnesota Avenue Minnesota Ave station Good Hope Road Southern Ave station Morris Road Anacostia station

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  • D.C. Village Naval Research Lab Bellevue Naval Housing Fort Drum Congress Heights Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. Dept. of Homeland Security Anacostia station St. Elizabeths Gate 4 (Coast Guard HQ)
  • Livingston South Capitol St. (A8) Wheeler Rd. (A6,A7) Congress Heights Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. S.E. Dept. of Homeland Security Anacostia station,7,8_210905.pdf
  • 41st St. & Davis Pl. NW (Glover Park) 39th & Calvert Sts. NW (Glover Park) 35th St. & Winfield Lane NW (Reservoir Rd.) Q St. & Connecticut Ave. NW (DUPONT CIRCLE)
  • 16th St. and Eastern Ave. N.W. 14th St. and Colorado Ave. N.W. 16th St. and Shepherd St. N.W. Columbia Heights station Mount Pleasant Deal Middle School Tenleytown-AU,32,33,34_170625.pdf

    Temporarily out-of-stock

  • Ivy City Trinidad NoMa Mount Vernon Square Franklin Square
  • Congress Heights station 38th St. and Pennsylvania Avenue S.E. (Fairfax Village) Pennsylvania and Minnesota Avenues S.E. (L’Enfant Square) Duke Ellington School of the Arts

    Temporarily out-of-stock

  • Sibley Hospital Palisades Foxhall Village MedStar Georgetown University Hospital Georgetown Dupont Circle station Farragut North station Farragut West station Metro Center station Union Station Capitol Hill Stadium-Armory station

    Temporarily out-of-stock

  • Veterans Affairs Medical Center National Rehabilitation Hospital Washington Hospital Center Children’s National Medical Center Edgewood Rhode Island Ave station Brentwood Rd. N.E. Main Post Office Trinidad Government Publishing Office Union Station
  • -Mount Vernon -Waynewood -George Washington Memorial Parkway -Hunting Point -Downtown Alexandria -Bureau of Engraving -Farragut Square -Potomac Park

  • Fort Totten station North Michigan Park Woodridge Brookland Langdon Ivy City
  • Friendship Heights station Chevy Chase Kennedy St. N.W. Fort Totten station Riggs Park
  • -New Carrollton Station -Glenarden -Washington Heights -Palmer Park -Fairmount Heights -Seat Pleasant -Capitol Heights Station -Addison Road-Seat Pleasant -Bradbury Heights -Fairfax Village -Naylor Road Station
  • #301 Bryant St. NW (Howard University) New Jersey Ave & Rhode Island Ave NW P St. & New Jersey Ave. NW P & 14th Sts. NW P & 20th Sts. NW (Dupont Circle) 37th & O Sts. NW (GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY)
  • -Avondale -Woodridge -Brookland-CUA station -Edgewood -Rhode Island Ave station (Friday and Saturday late night only) -Bloomingdale -Shaw-Howard Univ station -Washington Convention Center -Metro Center station -Farragut West station -Farragut North station
  • Brookland-CUA station Veterans Affairs Medical Center Washington Hospital Center National Rehabilitation Hospital Children’s National Medical Center Columbia Heights station Mt. Pleasant Cleveland Park station Tenleytown-AU station,4_210905.pdf
  • -Fort Lincoln -The Shops at Dakota Crossing shopping center -Wesley House -Goodwill Industries -Langdon -Brookland-CUA station
  • -Mt. Pleasant (H8) -Columbia Heights station (H8) -Georgia Ave-Petworth station (H8) -Armed Forces Retirement HomeWashington (H8) -Rock Creek Cemetery (H8) -Archbishop John Carroll High School (H9) -Brookland-CUA station -Rhode Island Ave station,9_210314.pdf
  • -Takoma Station -Lamond -Fort Totten station
  • Chevy Chase Circle Van Ness-UDC station Cleveland Park station Woodley Park station Adams Morgan Dupont Circle Farragut Square
  • -Aspen Hill -Kensington -Chevy Chase Lake -Chevy Chase Circle -Friendship Heights Station
  • -Pinehurst Circle -Nebraska Ave -Tenleytown-AU station -Ward Circle -American University -Loughboro Rd -Sibley Hospital -Palisades

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  • -Bradbury Heights -Fort Davis -Fairfax Village -Penn Branch -L’Enfant Square -Potomac Ave station
  • Friendship Heights station Tenleytown-AU Station (N2) American University Park Spring Valley (N4,N6) American University Ward Circle Wesley Heights (N2,N6) Berkshire Apts. (N4,N6) Washington National Cathedral Massachusetts Ave. Heights Embassy Row Dupont Circle Farragut North station (N2,N4,N6) Farragut West station (N2,N4,N6),4,6_210905.pdf
  • Anacostia station Washington Navy Yard Navy Yard-Ballpark station Waterfront station Archives Metro Center station Chinatown Eckington Edgewood Rhode Island Ave station
  • -Greenbelt station -Franklin Park (Springhill Lake) -Beltway Plaza -Berwyn Heights -Westchester Park -College Park-U of Md station -Riverdale Park -Bladensburg -Deanwood station
  • -Highview -Prince George's Plaza Station -West Hyattsville Station -Avondale -Brookland-CUA Station

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  • Paul S. Sarbanes Transit Center (Silver Spring station) Shepherd Park Brightwood Carter Barron Park & Ride Lot Crestwood McPherson Sq station Metro Center station Federal Triangle (10th St. and Constitution Ave. N.W.)
  • -Branch Ave. and Randle Circle -Alabama Ave. and 38th St S.E -Sousa Middle School -Fort Dupont

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  • -Rhode Island Avenue -Brookland Manor -Phelps High School -Carver Terrace

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  • Get more service on 16th Street. Service every 5-10 minutes weekday rush hours, and every 12 minutes on middays, evenings and weekends Limited stops. For local service, please use Metrobus Route S2 Same fare as a local Metrobus Paul S. Sarbanes Transit Center (Silver Spring station) Eastern & 16th Alaska & Kalmia Aspen Street Sheridan/Somerset Missouri Avenue Colorado Avenue Buchanan Street Woodner/Spring Road Park Road Irving Street Euclid Street U Street P Street M Street K/I Street Franklin Square
  • Limited Stop in D.C at all times between Rhode Island Ave-Brentwood station and Mount Rainer. -New Carrollton Station -East Pines -Riverdale Park -Edmonston -Bladensburg -Peace Cross -Colmar Manor -Cottage City -Mt.Rainier -Rhode Island Ave-Brentwood Station
  • Sheriff Road Minnesota Ave station River Terrace

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  • Marshall Heights Lincoln Heights Capitol View Benning Road station Texas Ave. S.E. 37th St. and Ely Pl. S.E. (U6) Ridge Rd. S.E. Greenway Minnesota Ave. station,6._210905pdf.pdf
  • -Deanwood station -Kenilworth -Mayfair -Pakside -Minnesota Ave station -Greenway (Minnesota Ave. & Ridge Road. – Weekday midday and Saturdays)
  • -Addison Road-Seat Pleasant Station -District Heights -Marlboro Pike -Brooks Drive -Shadyside Avenue -Suitland Station
  • Capitol Heights station Nannie Helen Burroughs Ave. N.E. Minnesota Ave station Minnesota Ave. N.E./S.E. Greenway Randle Circle Potomac Ave station (V4) Navy Yard-Ballpark station (V4) Fairlawn (V2) Frederick Douglass National Historic Site (V2) Anacostia station (V2),4_210905.pdf
  • Minnesota Ave station Benning Road station Benning Heights loop (V8) Bradbury Heights (V7) Fairfax Village (V7) Alabama Ave. & Naylor Rd. (V7) Garfield (V7) Congress Heights (V7),8_210905.pdf
  • -Fort Drum -Washington Highlands -Southeast Tennis & Learning Center -Congress Heights -Congress Heights Station -The Shops at Park Village -Villages of Parklands -THEARC -Southern Ave Station
  • -Southern Ave Station (W2) -United Medical Center -Congress Heights station -St. Elizabeths Hospital -Villages of Parklands -THEARC -Naylor Gardens -Good Hope Marketplace (W3) -Naylor and Good Hope Rds. S.E. -Fort Stanton -Anacostia Museum -Anacostia station -Barry Farm -Dept. of Homeland Security -Washington Overlook

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  • -Deanwood station -Benning Road station -Bradbury Heights -Fairfax Village -Alabama Ave. S.E. -Garfield -Congress Heights station -Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling -Anacostia station
  • -Tenleytown-AU station -Wilson High School -Mount Pleasant -Columbia Heights Station -16th Street & Shepherd Street N.W -14th Street & Colorado Avenue N.W

    Temporarily out-of-stock

  • Special Fare Charged on W5 D.C. Village Blue Plains Waste Treatment Plant Naval Research Lab Bellevue Naval Housing Joint Base Anacostia Bolling Anacostia station St. Elizabeths Gate 4 (Coast Guard HQ)
  • -Naylor and Good Hope Rds. S.E. -Garfield -Stanton Rd. S.E. -Elvans Rd. S.E. -Marbury Plaza -Downtown Anacostia -Anacostia station,8_210905.pdf
  • Minnesota Ave station Benning Rd. N.E. Hechinger Mall H St. N.E./N.W. Government Publishing Office Gallery Place station McPherson Sq station
  • Minnesota Ave station Benning Rd. N.E. Hechinger Mall Gallaudet University NoMa-Gallaudet U station U Street station Reeves Center Adams Morgan Duke Ellington Bridge
  • Carver Terrace (21st Pl. and Maryland Ave. NE) Hechinger Mall Stanton Park Union Station
  • Service every 15-20 minutes Weekdays 6:15 a.m. to 6:40 p.m. Limited stops. For more frequent stops, please use Metrobus V2,V4 or X2. Same fare as a regular Metrobus -Capitol Heights station -Dix & 62nd Streets N.E. -58th & Foote Streets N.E. -Nannie Helen Burroughs & Division Avenues N.E. -Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue & 49th Street N.E. -Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue & 44th Street N.E. -Minnesota Avenue station -Minnesota Avenue & Benning Road N.E. -Benning Road & 19th Street N.E. -Hechinger Mall -H & 14th Streets N.E. -H & 8th Streets N.E. -H St. Bridge at Union Station bus/taxi ent. -H & North Capitol Streets N.W. -Gallery Place station -Metro Center